The RIASEC personality type, also known as Holland Code, is a tool used to understand an individual's career and educational interests. The acronym RIASEC stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Each letter represents a different personality type, and individuals typically have a dominant type that guides their interests and career choices.
It's important to note that everyone is unique and may have a mix of different personality traits and interests.

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The Strong Interest Inventory ® is one of the world's most respected, trusted, and widely used career planning instruments. The deep research and data from 130 countries over 80+ years help students and employees alike.
What does it stand for and what does it imply?
RIASEC is an acronym to help us remember the 6 themes into which each person can be categorised. So can most jobs.
See below to find out how each theme works out and the description.
Realistic individuals are often drawn to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They enjoy working with their hands and solving problems in a practical way.
Investigative individuals are curious and enjoy learning about the natural world. They often pursue careers in science, research, and analysis.
Artistic individuals are creative and have a strong sense of aesthetics. They often pursue careers in the arts, design, and media.
Social individuals are outgoing and enjoy helping others. They often pursue careers in teaching, social work, and counseling.
Enterprising individuals are ambitious and enjoy leading and influencing others. They often pursue careers in business, sales, and management.
Conventional individuals are organized and detail-oriented. They often pursue careers in finance, accounting, and administration.
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How does it work?
Follow the 4 steps simple process:
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A link will be shared for you to take the assessment. There are 291 questions to answer.
The link will be available In the "My courses" section of your personal login.
After this, the report will be shared (Downloadable PDF) which will again be available in the same section of the account login.
After you have submitted the questionnaire please allow 3 - 4 working days for the report to arrive.
All about: RIASEC - Strong Interest Inventory
RIASEC stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. It is a system of classifying people according to their interests and personality traits, developed by psychologist John Holland. It is used to help individuals identify the types of careers that would be a good fit for them and make more informed decisions about their education and career paths.
While the RIASEC system can be helpful for identifying potential career paths, it is important to keep in mind that it is not a definitive or exhaustive assessment of one's abilities and interests. It is always good to take it as a reference and not the final decision.
Yes, RIASEC code can change over time as individuals' interests, personality traits, and preferences may change. It's important to periodically reassess your RIASEC code to ensure it still aligns with your current interests and career goals.
Once you have determined your RIASEC code, you can use it as a starting point for researching and exploring different career options. You can also use it to identify specific industries, job roles, and employers that align with your interests and strengths. Additionally, you can use it to inform your education and training decisions and target your job search efforts.
Yes, the RIASEC system is widely used in career counseling and guidance. Many career counselors, coaches, and job placement professionals use the RIASEC system as a tool to help individuals identify potential career paths and make more informed decisions about their education and career goals.
RIASEC and Holland Codes are the same thing. Holland Codes is the term used to describe the system developed by John Holland, while RIASEC is an acronym for the six personality types Holland identified: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
The RIASEC system can be useful for students in a number of ways. It can help them identify the types of subjects, activities, and careers that align with their interests and strengths. It can also assist them in making more informed decisions about their education and career paths.
The RIASEC system can be used for both self-assessment and career counseling. It can be used to help individuals identify their interests and strengths, and also to assist career counselors and other professionals in providing guidance and support to individuals.
It's recommended to reassess your RIASEC code every 2-3 years or when you experience significant changes in your interests, goals, or career. It's important to ensure that your code aligns with your current interests, goals, and career aspirations.