Whether commerce, financial services, healthcare, software or telecommunications; in almost every industry, it's data that determines the success of a business. Knowing how to prepare, process and utilise data is key and those who have expertise in data science and analytics are in high demand in the business world.
Our MBA specialising in Big Data Management teaches you how to leverage data to optimise and innovate any company you will work for. On this course, you'll learn how to plan, control, and execute resources, optimise the supply chain with use of information systems, and take advantage of commercial or open-source solutions for data analytics. We adopt a hands-on approach with case studies and application scenarios to help really imagine the power of data science in certain industries. As part of a small team, you'll design, organise, and present an idea, based on sprint planning and goals defined by a Product Owner-a fun challenge to develop your skills. Overall, this course delivers a solid foundation in business management and an excellent overview of Big Data, creating diverse career opportunities for you.
What you'll learn
Gain essential skills for management and general business as well as specialist expertise in strategy and operations.
- Leadership- 5 ECTS
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 5 ECTS
- International Marketing - 5 ECTS
- Performance Measurement - 5 ECTS
- Corporate Finance - 5 ECTS
- Managerial Economics - 5 ECTS