Focus College (Canada) | Advanced Diploma in Business (2 years)

The Advanced Diploma in Business will equip you with the most up-to-date skill sets in business management, accounting, law, economics, and business communication. The Advanced Diploma in Business will equip you with the most up-to-date skill sets in business management, accounting, law, economics, and business communication.

Created by Created by Focus college Last updated Sun, 04-Dec-2022  English

Focus College (Canada) | Advanced Diploma in Business (2 years)

The Advanced Diploma in Business will equip you with the most up-to-date skill sets in business management, accounting, law, economics, and business communication. The Advanced Diploma in Business will equip you with the most up-to-date skill sets in business management, accounting, law, economics, and business communication.

Created by Created by Focus college Last updated Sun, 04-Dec-2022  English

Program Overview


The Advanced Diploma in Business will equip you with the most up-to-date skill sets in business management, accounting, law, economics, and business communication. This course will prepare you for positions such as office manager, planning manager, business development, sales and marketing manager, and team leader/manager.

What you'll learn

Advanced Diploma in Business Management will provide a breadth of competencies.  The specific aims of the course are to:

  • Develop suitable competencies to enter a range of administrative, commercial, or managerial positions.
  • Develop student competencies to support their career aspirations.
  • Prepare students for progression to degree courses delivered by UK universities.
  • Develop skills for independent, life-long learning.
  • Develop and enhance transferable skills for employability and Core Skills.
  • Develop and enhance transferable skills in planning, organizing, critical and evaluative thinking and enable the candidate to investigate business issues and problems in depth.
  • Develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills relevant to a range of administrative, commercial, or managerial positions in business organizations.
  • Develop communication and presentation skills.
  • Adopt an innovative and creative approach to their work and be able to respond quickly to challenges posed by changes in the business environment.
  • Develop the ability to work flexibly and cooperatively with others. 


Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons
This is a Certificate Course.
0 Lessons
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